The Skin I'm In Book III
“A thought-provoking portrayal of growing up and defining yourself as a young man.”Kirkus Reviews, in a review of The Family I'm In January 16, 2025.
Just today, I received a letter from a ten-year-old fan of The Skin I'm In. The letters about Maleeka have kept coming for over twenty years now. And I am as excited to read them as I was the first time one showed up at my home. In nearly each of the letters, my readers asked if there would ever be a follow to The Skin I'm In. For years, I told them no. Then I wrote The Life I'm In, Charlese Jones' story. You remember her don't you? She was the bully in The Skin I'm In. But in the follow-up novel, her long journey turns her into a bit of a hero, and most certainly someone you will empathize and root for along the way.
On April 1, 2025, the next book comes out. The Family I'm In is told from John-John's persepctive. For years readers ased if John-John was in love with Maleeka. You'll have to read the book to find out. He has quite the story to tell, by the way. A little older, John-John is looking for love and eager to be accepted for exactly who he is. However, his father and society keep trying to put him into a box in an attempt to make that decicion for him. Will he find a way to stand on his own two feet and defind himself for himself? You will have to grab a copy of The Family I'm In to find out. Pre-order now at most any bookstore online, including,Amazon, Barnes and Noble or your local Indie. Come April 1, you'll find it in bookstores everywhere! I can't wait for you to read it!